Saturday 18 April 2015


Delighted to learn that the good people at Blasted Heath have secured a BookBub ad for UNDERCOVER this coming Monday to promote the Amazon UK giveaway. When they did this for FIREPROOF the results were pretty pleasing. Thousands of people took advantage of the freebie and sixteen of those readers took the time to review it. To put that in perspective, the most recent review before the ad was sixteen months old. Post-giveaway sales increased too (which wouldn't be hard since it was my worst-selling title). All good.

And now, the novel that I think of as my most commercial to date is going to get the same opportunity. This, right now, is the magic moment where I can let my imagination run wild and believe that Monday will be the key moment in my writing career.

It won't be, but it does no harm to dream, does it?

Get your copy of UNDERCOVER here, UK Kindle readers.

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